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  > New - New - New !!!

> Hartwig Home Page

> Family Tree

> Guest Book

> Join the Mailing List

> Contact Us

> Website Policy

> Links

> Family Timeline

> August & Bertha Hartwig

> Andrea Cecilie Moe





Welcome to the . . .

Frank & Helen Hartwig Family Website





Frank and Helen 25 Year Wedding Anniversary



The Hartwig Family Tree

The main family tree starts with Frank and Helen. It branches off to their children, and then to their grandchildren. Click on a name in the tree below and you will be taken to that person's personal website & mini-tree



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Frank & Helen Family Photos


Frank Hartwig and Sigrid Helen Wedding Picture - 1910





Frank & Helen Hartwig - 1917





Photo Titled: Harriet, Hazel, Cora, Vera, Jean










Front: Vera, Jean

Back: Hazel, Cora





 (Top) Ralph, Frank, Richard

  (Bottom) Martha, Helen, Judy, Jean, Bob, Hazel, Ruth, Cora





Cora & Hazel





Jean, Hazel, Cora




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           1955 - Helen & Frank and Grandson Alan                           1960 - 50th Wedding Anniversary at St. James Church

                                                                                                                                          (Top) Glen, Niki, Dave

                                                                                                                     (Sitting) Alan, Frank, Helen, Steve, Jon, June










Ruth, Jean, Harriet, Hazel




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Frank & Helen Memorabilia


Helen Hartwig's Recipe for Molasses Cookies




Hartwig Bakery - Accounts Book













St. James Episcopal Church - Mosinee, Wisconsin




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St. James Episcopal Church - 1914 - Mosinee




St. James Episcopal Church Acolytes- 1914

(Richard LaMere - second from left)





St. James Episcopal Church 125th Anniversary - August 8, 2010





Plat of Kronenwetter - 1961






Plat of Guenther - 1961



The crotch in the yellow circle is where Frank Hartwig built the Guenther store ~ 1920




Photo of same intersection taken July 2011





Mosinee and Vicinity



The old Mosinee train depot





Main Street Mosinee





The Mosinee long bridge





First Mosinee High School - Later Grade School





Mosinee Main Street Looking East - 1950s





Mosinee 1915




Mosinee (undated)




Mosinee (undated)





Mosinee Paper Mill - 1950s




Mosinee Paper Mill (undated)





City of Mosinee Aerial View






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What's New with the Hartwig Family?


March 6, 2024 -Don Olds passed away


June 25, 2023 -Judy Janz passed away


June 6, 2019 - Dave Grabski passed away


May 3, 2017 - Added photos to websites for Clarence, Ralph, Harriet, Hazel, Vera, Kathy and June


March 14, 2017 - Added photos for Ruth La Mere and Judy & Al Janz family


March 9, 2017 - Added photos to pages for Clarence, Ralph, Hazel and Kathy


February 17, 2017 - Added photos, birthdates and death dates - Buddy Hartwig passed away on 11/20/2016 and Diane Hartwig Cosby passed away on 2/14/2017


August 16, 2016 - Added information about Frank's parents August & Bertha Hartwig


July 22, 2012 - Added photos Harriet Ahles, Erv Ahles and Barb Ganser taken 7/20/2012


July 1, 2012 - Added two photos of Mosinee, one photo of the Paper Mill and two photos from the 125th anniversary of St. James Episcopal church dated August 8, 2010


Welcome Caroline Emrich Wieland to the Hartwig website.

Caroline is the daughter of Cora Hartwig


Welcome Marcia Hartwig, the Great Grand Daughter of Frank Hartwig's Brother Otto.

You will soon find Otto's Branch on the August & Bertha Hartwig website.


Have you noticed that the Hartwig website has a "new look" ?

If you have any other suggestions for the website please email us using this link!




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Join the Hartwig Family e-Mail List

Complete the form below to be added to our mailing list:

City & State/Province:




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Sign the Hartwig Family Guest Book

Click here to sign the Guest Book




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Links Related to the Hartwig Family


Frank Hartwig's parents were ... August & Bertha Hartwig

Helen Stone's Mother was ... Andrea Cecilie Moe

Cora Hartwig & Peter Rozanski ... Short Wedding Video Clip

Short Music Clip from Al Kevorka ... Sweet Child O'Mine

Caroline Emrich Wieland meets Brother Alan Rozanski 11/5/2011

Grandma Helen used to sing ... I'm My Own Grandpa




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Hartwig Family Website Policies

All information and images listed in this website is posted with the assumption of accuracy. We welcome your input, and would be happy to make any corrections, or add more information about your family. Also, if anyone has concerns regarding their privacy and would prefer to have their names, photos or information removed from this website, we will respectfully comply. Please contact the webmaster at this link.




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Contact the Hartwig Family Website

Click here to contact the Hartwig Family webmaster, and your message will get routed accordingly